The basic tips for beginners in photography

tips for beginners in photography

If you have bought a SLR, a compact, or any other type of camera and you have doubts or do not know how to get the most out of it, follow our guide of basic tips for beginners and newbies and get the best results. Take care of all the details.Visit this site to read articles on Photography.

Read the instructions

Who has not turned on a device without reading that little book so important that it stays in the box? A popular statement states that “when you don’t know what to do, read the instructions.” This is an obvious tip, but some skip this recommendation and then suffer the consequences.Click hereto read articles on Photography.

Although it is a compact of obvious operation, before launching to take pictures like crazy, it is appropriate to devote the necessary time to that physical or digital document.

Use the options

Use your camera options when you have them. When we have a camera in which we can adjust its aperture, shutter speed or flash power, among other variables. Currently, photo-digital technology has made it possible for even the cheapest camera to take contest photos. But ‘playing’ with these variables helps, on the one hand, succeed with the ideal exposure and, in another sense, to create from our way of seeing reality.

Try new styles

Photography allows you to capture any reason. Therefore, it is advisable that if you are new to photography, try new styles.

Although you like informative photography, try nature, portrait, sports, frame, social, architecture and, if you launch, the submarine. Or the black and white. By practicing the different styles, you will gain experience and learn little tricks to perform amazing snapshots.

basic tips for beginners in photography

Check everything before leaving

Like the day before the picnic, you have to check everything before leaving. Check that everything works correctly.

In what state is the battery (recharge it in any case), if you have a memory card, how much space is available and, if necessary, carry a spare.

It is also advisable to take into account the meteorology that you are going to find, to wear the appropriate camera protections if it is cold or damp. By the way, it is never bad weather for a photograph.

Do not delete the photos on the camera

Unless you have the complete cards with photos and need to do more, never delete an image on the camera itself because you think you notice on your screen that it is technically defective or because. You just don’t like it.

These LCDs are not those of yesteryear, neither in dimensions nor in quality, but not rarely will it have happened that, after passing them you take them to the computer, that image that seemed the example of the maximum blur or the most erroneous exposure, seen on a good monitor , like it has an artistic touch.

If you run out of space on the card, think that, maybe, you do not need to shoot at a resolution of 12 megapixels for the type of photography you take, seven may be enough, and the card will notice. Of course, never increase the degree of compression.

Identify the interesting

Whatever your photographic modality you do, you must identify what is really interesting, what will give meaning and life to the image. If it is a sunset, maybe that waterfall is left over, or not.

In the same way, you must recognize what is really too much: an electric tower in a natural landscape, for example.