Food safety: control techniques and obligations of operators

What to validate

The standardized methods and the official methods are considered validated by the issuing body. When a standard or official method indicates repeatability and accuracy, the laboratory is required to verify that, under repeatability conditions, the performance of the laboratory is compatible with those indicated. If this information is not present, the laboratory must determine it.

Examination of all control systems put in place by feed and food business operators and the results thus obtained 먹튀검증

The inspection of:

primary producer facilities, feed and food companies, including adjacencies, premises, offices, equipment, installations and machinery, transportation, as well as feed and food;

  • raw materials, ingredients, processing aids and other products used for the preparation and production of feed and food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • materials and articles intended to come into contact with food;
  • cleaning and maintenance products and procedures and pesticides;
  • food labeling, presentation and advertising;
  • checks of hygiene conditions in feed and food businesses;
  • interviews with feed and food business operators and their staff;
  • reading of the values ​​recorded by the measuring instruments of the feed or food business operators;
  • checks carried out with the competent authority’s own tools to verify the measures of feed or food business operators;
  • any other activity required to ensure the implementation of the objectives
  • Non-normalized method. This method is issued by national or international technical organizations or issued by national or community reference laboratories / centers or by accredited national reference centers.

Internal test method

An internal test methodit is developed by the laboratory or adopted by a laboratory based on knowledge available in scientific literature and / or practical experience. The internal method can be either a method developed by the laboratory or a normalized or non-standardized method which has been substantially modified due to particular laboratory requirements.

The alternative method is an analytical method which determines or estimates, for a product category, the same analytic in an equivalent way to the corresponding reference method. The alternative method has characteristics suited to the needs of the users, such as the speed of analysis and / or response, the ease of execution and / or automation, the reduction of costs.