1.    Introduction

A.      Whatever might be the reason for the separation of child parents, government has laid strict norms for the support of the child till he erns. so whenever child parents are applying for divorce or marital separation, first they have to visit child support lawyer where he makes how much financial support should be given to the child from their salary, The money should be paid periodically until then child grows up they have to pay for his stay come up food, education, other activities in which the child participates

Who will take care of the child

B.       Nowadays the divorce rate is increasing like anything, whatever might be the reason for the separation of parents government has imposed strict norms that the children should be supported in all the possible ways ,if not done then government bill impose either punishment or a file a case against them

C.      so before applying for the divorce cancel the child support lawyer and follow whatever the order he says, after considering the order you should pay for child support periodically still the child earns

D.     The caregiver of the child will take care where they provide stay, food to eat, child education, various other Circular activities, If this is not followed the child will end up his life on streets

E.      in some cases one of the parents will take care of the child the other custodial parent has to pay periodically to this parent to take care of their child

F.       The Child Support lawyer after listening to the judgment given by the judge of the court or by mediating with Houston child support attorney thereby he will get to know how much money is required by the child growth and after seeing the salary slips of their parents from that a percentage of amount will be transferred to the child count periodically till the child attends certain age.

G.     If there are any issues in collecting the payments from the parents then this lawyer will take care and will ensure you that the payment will be received periodically, if they take up a case they will support the child till he reaches a certain age

2.    Conclusion

Whenever if parents are applying for  any marital separation or any divorce their child should be taken care of and financially supported, in such cases one should visit  the child support lawyer near by where they will help you  to know how much each the   parents has to pay for there children  Either by following court judgement or consulting child support attorney who will take care of their child by providing good food ,children education and if he is interested in other activities they have to pay extra.