Guide for: How can we get rid of the fly

пръскане против хлебарки

There are many types of houseflies in the insect order Diptera, but they all have one set of wings. These flies are sometimes referred to as nuisance flies. The house fly is a gray fly with an average length of 14 centimeters.

People are infested with houseflies almost everywhere. Animal feces, garbage, rotting organic matter, and organic material are all places where they lay their eggs.

Having houseflies in your home may not seem like a big deal, but they can spread disease. Many easy and safe methods exist for preventing infestations or как да се отървем от мухите when they do occur.

Are houseflies harmful?

Housefly infestations are often merely annoyances in many cases. While houseflies can carry viruses and bacteria, they can also bite and spread them simultaneously. House flies can carry the diseases like food poisoning, cholera, E. coli, typhoid fever, dysentery, tuberculosis, eye infections, and tropical infections called yaws.

How can we get rid of the fly naturally?

пръскане против хлебарки

Houseflies can often eliminate without pesticides, which is often the best method. Among the possibilities are:

  • Flies can keep away from your house by planting herbs and flowers in your garden or outside. Several herbs and flowers can repel flies, including basil, marigold, lavender, bay leaves, and catnip.
  • Flytraps can be made by mixing vinegar with dish soap. Pour one cup of apple cider vinegar into a tall glass and add a few drops of dish soap. Place plastic wrap over the glass. Make small holes in the top and secure the plastic wrap with a rubber band. Through the holes in the glass, flies will attract the vinegar in the mirror. The dish soap prevents the flies from landing on the vinegar despite this.
  • Cayenne pepper can use to repel houseflies. To repel flies from your home, mix them with water and spray it around. как да се отървем от мухите, here are few tips to handle them.
  • Carnivorous plants such as Venus flytraps eat insects. They’ll naturally eat flies if you plant them outdoors. A fly gets caught in the plant’s trap, and the trap closes around it. The digestive fluid is then secreted to dissolve the insect’s soft insides. The exoskeleton is spat out after it breaks down the insect over 5 to 10 days.
  • Foods and drinks that flies find attractive can also be used as bait in traps and natural trap bait: sugar (honey or molasses), wine, fruit, meat and many others.