Night work: what it is, what time it starts, pay and categories excluded

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Night work is not just what is done at night; in fact, the law provides for a specific time slot to identify it and precise limits to define who is actually a “night worker”.

The discipline of night work has specific rules due to its greater burden: it is subject to increased pay , allows you to retire early and is excluded for employees with certain needs or health problems commercial cleaning services in Richmond, VA.

Night work is considered to be done between 24.00 and 5.00 in the morning for a period of time indicated in the collective agreement. All the useful information below

Night work, discipline

By night work we mean the activity carried out in the time frame from 24.00 to 5.00 the next morning. A night worker is considered to be anyone who works in this time slot for at least three hours a day or for at least eighty working days in a year.

The preventive check of the employer

Before assigning some workers to night work, the employer is required to carry out periodic checks to assess the psychophysical status of the employees . Generally these checks take place every two years and take place at the doctor responsible for the company. The violation of the control obligations entails heavy penalties for the employer: arrest from three to six months or a fine from € 1,549 to € 4,131.

The night shift can only be assigned in the event of a positive assessment by the doctor or health facility. Furthermore, the employer must always notify the trade union representatives present in the company (if any) and the territorial organizations for workers.

Categories excluded from night work

For some categories of employees, it is absolutely forbidden to work at night as this could cause serious damage to health. The excluded categories are:

pregnant women;

children under 18;

working mothers with offspring under the age of 3, or the father as an alternative to the mother;

worker / worker who is the sole custodial parent up to the child’s 12th birthday.