Synthetic Urine For Drugs Testing

best synthetic urine kits

Drug testing is a crucial process for employers and government agencies who want to ensure their employees or public members are not using drugs. Now, drug tests can be made much easier with synthetic urine. Ensure you get the right one and avoid fake pee.


This article focuses on the questions most people have about this innovative technology and how it works. You’ll find out how you can use synthetic urine in the privacy of your own home and what to expect from this new technology that’s quickly gaining popularity. With these tips, you’ll never have to worry about your job safety again.


Many people wonder what the correlation is between synthetic urine and real pee. The truth is that it’s nearly impossible to tell the difference between the two. This is because synthetic urine looks, feels, and behaves like natural human urine.


However, you should note that one of the benefits of using these products is you also get a free bottle of real synthetic urine, which isn’t chemically identical to your sample. Because of this, you can use this hidden method to help your body get ready for testing.

best synthetic urine kits


You may want to be strategic when using these products to make your results more accurate. The best way to do this is to repeatedly use the same brand and type of synthetic product.


You can choose from many different synthetic urine brands, including those made by Quest Diagnostics. This company also provides a complimentary bottle of real urine for every two synthetic bottles you purchase. With this offer, you can be sure you’re getting as close to real human urine as possible. 


When you test for drugs with your employer or government agency, it’s best if the scientist performing your drug test is appropriately trained on the specific types of drugs being found in testing.


Additionally, they should be able to recognize the subtle differences between real urine and synthetic urine. You can be sure you’re getting fair testing when the right expert handles your results.


The great thing about synthetic urine is that it’s entirely legal to use at home to test yourself for drugs. Additionally, if you’re an employer, there are no laws against using this product for your employees. If a specific drug test calls for natural urine, you can rest assured whether you’re at home or work, you won’t have anything to worry about as far as safety goes.